RV Windows Replacement—What RV Owners Need To Know

A damaged RV window puts a damper on road trips and camping experiences, not to mention makes you vulnerable to the weather outside. An RV is both a living space and a vehicle, so it's important to maintain convenience and safety within that space at all costs. Luckily, we have researched what you can do when you find that your RV's window has been damaged and have some ideas to share.

Once the window in an RV becomes broken, you will need to replace it immediately. Start by measuring the opening of the window slot itself, the sidewall thickness, and the corner radius. Then, order your single-paned glass windows, laminated windows, or double-paned windows.

Depending on the window type/size, replacement may cost between $100-$600.

The comfort level of your RV starts with the windows. Make all your trips memorable without the hassle that comes with an inefficient window and upgrade yours. If you are interested to know more about replacing your RV windows, continue reading below!

Professional worker removing recreational vehicle windows, RV Windows Replacement - What RV Owners Need To Know

The Importance Of High-Quality Windows In An RV Or Motorhome

In general, better windows mean better road trips. Your windows should keep your indoor space comfortable and safe, especially since you are on the road.

RV roof went air circulation

Being vulnerable to any outside elements is the last thing you want. Here are the benefits of investing in high-quality RV windows:

Temperature And Air Quality

A high-quality window such as double-pane windows should enable you to control your indoor air quality and temperature.

We all know that being on the road will make the heat seep inside more efficiently and make you susceptible to dust and debris.

Furthermore, high-quality windows should be able to keep all those unwanted elements out and maintain an ideal temperature throughout your trip.


Depending on the season, you want the heat to stay inside or outside your RV. Your windows should have good insulation not only for comfort but also for energy efficiency.

Being on the road means having to save energy. Your energy will be wasted if you let heat escape or come in, as it makes your system work harder than necessary.

Additionally, insulation will solve most of your energy concerns, so investing in a good window is crucial.

Noise Cancellation

Having noise-reducing or noise-canceling windows is an added advantage that can get you through a loud evening. This is a common occurrence when you go on a long road trip, so you would want a window that can deafen the noise from the outside.

A high-quality window should be able to do this and allow you to take a restful night.

Preventing Mold/Water Damage

Condensation from the windows is inconvenient at best and hazardous at worst. The water that could seep in from damaged or low-quality windows can ruin your RV interior or aid the growth of mold and bacteria, which can harm you.

Select a window with airtight insulation and a layer of gas between the panes to prevent water damage and mold growth.


You would want to save on electricity costs, especially if you are in your RV for more than 12 hours a day. A good window will keep out or retain heat, which means your electricity will not have to work double-time.

Double-pane windows, in particular, are highly adaptable in frigid temperatures and unpredictable weather changes. Your windows should keep you safe from falling branches during storms and keep the water out effectively.

What Are The Best Windows For An RV Or Motorhome?

Inside of empty bed in camper van and the view through window with curtain on lakeside

Double-Pane Windows

Generally, double-pane windows are stronger and more reliable than standard single-pane windows. They are highly effective in keeping your motorhome insulated protected from harmful elements and condensation.

Caravan window

Furthermore, these windows are guaranteed to keep you comfortable all year round and in any season.

Laminated Glass Window

Laminated windows are perfect for viewing any scenery during your trips because they never fog. On top of that, they have acoustic insulation because of two pieces of glass laminated together.

These windows can also protect you from falling debris during storms or strong wind patterns because of their shatterproof glass.

How Much Does RV Window Replacement Cost?

What does it cost

Single-Pane Windows

Typically, single-pane windows are the standard and will come with your RV.

Although cheaper, these windows do not do well in extreme weather conditions and may not be reliable if you plan on living in your RV.

However, these single-panes cost somewhere between $100-$250 if you do it yourself. It may cost more if you hire a professional to do it for you.

Read: How Much Does It Cost to Replace RV Windows?

Double-Pane Windows

Double-pane windows are costlier, especially if you have large windows. You also get what you pay for since these windows have added protection and insulation, which are your top priority. 

Additionally, double-panes can cost you around $250-$600 plus labor costs if you hire a professional.

How To Replace The Windows In An RV

Working in a caravan with a laptop on holiday travel

Typically, glass damage isn't covered by standard RV warranty plans. If your glass window somehow breaks, you will need to replace it immediately. To start the replacement process:

Remove the old window

First, pull off the rubber gasket from the outside of the pane. You can also remove the gasket from the inside if possible.

Take out all the mounting screws inside and outside while keeping the pane steady. Carefully pull out the glass from outside the vehicle, then set it down.

Measure the window opening

One of the mistakes RV owners make is measuring the window itself. This will not be accurate; you need to measure the window opening itself to have a precise number.

As a general rule, remember to measure the window opening twice to ensure its accuracy.

You only need to measure the height and width of rectangular windows. You will need six measurements for trapezoid-shaped ones: one from each side and one from the length between the corners.

Measure the sidewall

You need to measure how thick the sidewall is to make sure your new window fits in snugly without excess glass or space. They are usually about 1-3 inches thick.

Furthermore, make sure to measure the sidewall twice for accuracy.

Measure the corner radius

Your RV's window corner has a rounded shape. You can print out a template or use a compass to draw your own. Make sure your circle has a diameter of 6.25 inches and an inner circle with a diameter of five inches.

Hold the circle's curve to your corner and see which curve measures closest to the edge: that is your corner radius!

Order a new replacement window

Once you have all your measurements ready, it is time to get a new replacement window. Getting a custom-made window may be a cheaper alternative, especially since most insurance packages do not cover window replacement.

Other Types Of RV Windows

Outside standing and looking through a window of a caravan

Fixed Pane

Also called a "picture window," fixed panes are stationary and do not open. They are the cheapest in the market and only view the scenery.

Although some models have a quick-release screen for emergency purposes, these windows do not provide ventilation.


Sliding Pane

Sliding Panes are the most economical in the market, providing ventilation as it opens on one or more sides. Some have vertical, horizontal, or T-sliders.

Typically, horizontal sliders move from left to right, while Vertical Siders open from the top or bottom. T-sliders have a fixed pane on top with one or more sliding panes beneath.

View this sliding pane window on Amazon.

Awning Window

Also called a crank, louver, jalousie, or torque, awning windows open by cranking a handle. Awning windows have pane hinged at the top, opening outwards, creating an awning.

They provide good ventilation, and during rainy days, you can still leave them open, and the raindrops will slide on the glass.

Egress Windows

Egress RV windows are built as an emergency exit designed to open quickly and completely. They are attached at the top and open outside from the bottom.

These windows are necessary in case there is a fire or gas problem. They can come in other window types, such as fixed panes, sliding panes, or awnings.

Final Thoughts

Replacing your RV window requires considering your lifestyle factors and how much you are willing to invest in security and comfort.

Make sure to familiarize yourself with weather patterns if you are taking a long trip, and do not hesitate to upgrade your windows if you are thinking of using your RV long-term.

If you enjoyed this article, check out How Often To Reseal And Recoat An RV Roof.

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