Patrick Davis

Patrick Davis

Do Starters Go Bad From Sitting?

A car starter on the table, Do Starters Go Bad From Sitting?

It is common for car owners to leave their cars sitting in the garage or driveway, especially if they already have a winterized vehicle. Unfortunately, if the vehicle sits long enough without occasionally starting it up, it can cause problems…

What To Do After An Engine Replacement

Engine instalation on blue crane hook on car repair service. What To Do After An Engine Replacement

If your vehicle’s engine died and you have decided to get it replaced, there are some benefits. For example, it is typically cheaper than buying a new vehicle. However, are there more things that you will need to replace after…

Which Way Does An Engine Spin?

An up close photo of a car engine, Which Way Does An Engine Spin?

Engines are the essential part of a vehicle, and for a good reason. Without them, you aren’t going to make it to your destination in a timely matter. They have several components that make them run, but which way does…